Saturday, August 28, 2010

a day at the park

When I turned on the TV the other night and saw that the high was only going to be 82 degrees for Thursday, I knew we were going to the park. I mustered up the energy, packed a lunch and away we went for a couple hours. The weather was gorgeous, and as everyone has been saying, whispers that fall is on the way! I can't wait is such a beautiful time of year. And it means that Thanksgiving and Christmas are not far two favorite holidays. The kids had a blast...also took some pics I hope to develop and put around the house too...will share those after some editing! These are some that we took just playing and hangin out.
If you look real close, you can kind of see the burn on the side of his head. :(
His favorite part...just swinging!
Sweet girl
No fear at all.

Very thankful for a great day and great kids...very refreshing to be outside!


  1. I love Addison's sunglasses; so cute!

  2. You take such GREAT pics. I forget you're a pro! ;)

  3. Thanks Jill...I try...but they don't always turn out like I want!! :)

    Kelly...saw your little Adeline's glasses as well. They ARE too cute at this age!

  4. Love all the pics! We went to the park last week, as well. I should have called you. :) You're doing a great job blogging! Love keeping up with you all. Your sis' wedding was beautiful and I'm pretty sure Kaidyn is wearing Addison's dress in my brother's wedding in a couple of weeks!
