Wednesday, October 6, 2010

pics of payton

I am completely in love with little Payton...she is truly an unexpected (surprise!) joy in our lives...hence her middle name. I truly believe she is God's gift to us that we did not even know we were missing. I have had so much fun with her...and feel so grateful that we have her. We have a sweet little family. This was always my desire growing be a wife and a mom...and now I find myself in the middle of my dream. I just have to remind myself of this when the days get crazy, because...realistically...they are a little crazy. That is what three little ones will do! :) But...the joys far out weigh the trials. And...Payton Joy Broady...we love you so very much! You are such a sweet, beautiful baby, and you did so good for the million pictures your mama took of you today. :)



  1. What a blessing to read your little reflections on being a momma to 3. I'm sure it is crazy, but it's all temporary and I know you know that. These pics are gorgeous. All done by such a creative momma. Congratulations, again! What a JOY indeed! :)

  2. BTW, in the last basket pics, I'm seeing Kaden in her. Who do you think she looks like?!

  3. Beautiful pics, Kristen. I helps to have such an adorable baby. I see Addison in little Payton...contrary to Jill's thinking. Who knows! This week has been busy for us, I promise we will bring dinner next week. Can't wait to hang out with the Broady's or should I say Brolaw'!

  4. These pictures are precious! She is adorable! :)
