Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas story with a twist

At church Sunday they showed a funny clip of what the Christmas story might look like/sound like today with some of our modern conveniences...such as facebook. Then I found another {more serious} clip today. The first makes me laugh. The second makes me cry. I love it when I am just brought back to reality about what this season is really about. I think we kind of need this modern twist sometimes so that the story doesn't seem old fashioned or out of date to us. It was real people with real lives...real issues, emotions, feelings.
Our Pastor had different people research some of the different characters in Luke 2 and share from their standpoint. So, one was Mary, one was Joseph. Then we had people share from what the shepherds would have thought...ordinary, commonplace shepherds that God chose to reveal the news of his Son to. Wow. And...the wisemen...and what their gifts symbolized.
I have heard and read and researched so much about Mary...even shared at church last year about her...but each year I am moved by who she was and what she allowed God to do in and through her. She allowed herself to be misunderstood and criticized...and God allowed her to be as well. Sometimes we cannot imagine God ever allowing something like that to happen to us...but He did. And Mary's response was simply, "Let it be to me as you have said." (Luke 1:38)  Let all of the whispers, the jokes, the judgements come...because her God was more important to her than what other people thought about her. Convicting.
And...her payoff was getting to be a mommy to her Savior. I heard someone recently say that she did not know whether to call him 'Lord' or 'son.' I have heard the song "Mary, Did You Know" a million times probably, but one of the lines keeps sticking out to me.

"When you kiss your little baby, you've kissed the face of God."

 I can't really imagine...but I try. Holding little Payton in my arms, I try to imagine what that would have felt like...brings tears to my eyes.

All of that to share a couple links and remember what we are celebrating in just a few days. :)

Clip 1 - funny

Clip 2 - serious


  1. Thank you for sharing those clips! I can't wait til Nick gets home to show him. I totally know what you mean about, "Mary Did you Know?" That song gets me everytime too. Merry Christmas Broady family!

  2. I think that song must hit the heart of every mom on some level! How could it not??? Love it! Great post Kristen~thanks!

  3. GREAT post, girl! I love that song, too! I heard this the other day and when I read your post about Maryit reminded me of it. Thought I'd share the link. http://www.reviveourhearts.com/radio/roh/today.php?pid=10721

    Thanks for sharing the links! : )

  4. That was good Jill. Like I said, I see her in a different light each year. :) Love that.
