Sunday, March 13, 2011

sisterly love

Addison and Payton already have quite the connection it seems...and I love that. I remember being so excited finding out that Payton was going to be a girl because I just could not picture Addison without a sister. I adore my sisters and cannot imagine not having them to talk to, joke with, etc.
If Addison hears even the slightest sound of Payton waking up from her nap she excitedly asks, "Mama, can I go talk to Payton?" :) Addison loves to hold her and give her toys and talk to her. And...Payton cracks up...literally giggles when Addison is playing with her. So...I'm pretty thankful for this little bond that is developing between them. The other day I had to capture some of their interaction.
Addison just singin and talkin to her little sis.
Payton is squealing and screaming in excitement!
LOVE her face here. :) She is all smiles.
Kaden tried to join in on the fun. Payton looked at him like, "What do you think YOU'RE doing?!?!"
So...poor little guy. Had to get a few shots of him. :)
Interesting face.


  1. Looks like you better start thinking about a bro for lil man! He needs to bond too ya know!
