Monday, August 8, 2011

apology to the neighbors

I think the Broady's owe a big apology to the neighbors today for all of the ruckus we caused!! :) Addison and Kaden took the pots and pans outside and were banging...seriously banging...away. This started in the family room until it was too loud to handle. I told them to take it out on the deck and they did...and got even louder. It was so annoying I finally had to put an end to it, but they had fun while it lasted. They loved all of the different sounds that each pot/pan made when you hit it. A little glimpse into their fun...
 The Master Drummer himself. :)
The only thing deterring them from the musical craziness was food. We love to eat around here.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh! Love this! I just can't get over how big Kaden is getting!
