Saturday, October 8, 2011

happy 1st birthday payton!!!!

The REAL Birthday
My baby is not a baby anymore...I really can't believe she has been here for a whole year now! Her actual birthday was September 26th, but we didn't celebrate it officially until the 2nd. We celebrated on September 26th by whipping up a little something special for her...with just our family. Addison was a big helper. :)
Stirring away. We decided on some lemon bars...very "birthdayish" I thought. ;) I am not a huge fan of cake. The kids just love we decided to make something a little different.
Just playin'. :)
Kaden was just wonderin' when the dessert would be ready! He helped stir some too.
Then on to the singing. 'Happy Birthday to you...'
'Happy Birthday to you'
They loved singing to her. :)
I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it.
Love that face. :)
So...she got to enjoy some fun on her REAL birthday. We sure didn't want to miss out on acknowledging that!

The Celebration
Our whole family has been going through a lot of crazy times here recently and it just had me thinking that we would just do something small on her birthday with just us and not have a big 'partay' like we usually do. That is what  I was planning...until (very last minute) Chelsey (who worships these kiddos) told me I would be a horrible mom if I did that. :) She said I needed to do it for Payton, and that she would want that. I don't really know if Payton communicated that to her, but on to the party plans we went...with very little time. :) I am glad we did. It was a great day with a small group of fam and friends just honoring our precious Pay-Pay.
Some very cute and very tasty cake balls...made by mommy and daddy.
We went with a 'Lamb Theme' because she LOVES her little Scentsy Lamb my aunt got for her. She carries it everywhere, sleeps with it, and even calls it 'lambie.' Need to get a picture of her holding it. It is seriously her bff right now. :)
Lambs, lambs...everywhere.
Her BFF. It's a miracle the arms and legs are still attached with all the abuse it takes everyday. :)
And...finally...the best cake EVER! Ashley is getting so good at these. She made this for her little niece and I just loved it. I hope the pictures do it justice because in person, it was amazing. 
So much attention to detail.
Some of the fam.
McKenna and Payton
Silly girl. :)
Guy talk.
It was a GORGEOUS we definitely took advantage of it.
Daddy with his princess.
Checkin' out all the action.
Love this picture of her holding on to her Daddy.
And...a ride around the yard in the wagon.
Too cute.
A little baseball.

Cake Time!
There were so many expressions of her that I just loved.
Wondering why all these people were staring at her. :)
She was not as "in to" the cake as she was the lemon bar, but she still managed some good tastes!
Diggin' in.

Payton really enjoyed this process!! She seriously loved everything she got and continues to play with it.
After everything she opened, she felt the need to walk around and show it to everyone. Here she is showing it to Aunt Dani.
She LOVED this little black dog from great grandpa.
Still holding the black dog.
Enjoying the re-gifted popper that has been passed around at every birthday because no one wants it at their house!!
Kaden loved delivering the presents to his sweet.
Sweet Cora...growing up so fast.
Family pic with the birthday girl.
We sure do love you sweet girl. You bring new joy to our lives every day.
Happy 1st Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh so adorable! Her smile is amazing Kris! I got to see the cake at church and oh my goodness Ashley is so talented! This Christmas will be one of you funnest with their ages. So happy for you to have your hubby and sweet family. Much to be thankful for even with everything else going on. Praise Jesus!
