This is a big thank you to my husband who cuts all this so I get to enjoy the fire inside. :)
Awwww...just love the look of that. It is my favorite spot to sit.
She was fearless this year and never complained of being cold. Had an absolute blast!
They were pretty brave themselves. Payton was cautious, but Kaden was loving the possibilities the snow offered after being just cooped up inside.
She just enjoyed kicking around in it.
One of her million trips down, down, down the hill.
Kaden with his favorite disc...he is so light that he just scooted across the surface. :)
Daddy helping Pay Pay enjoy it!!
Our 'attempt at a snowman...we need help! haha! Or a momma with more patience. :)
Aunt Dani even tried to help.
Kaden gearing up for for his trek down the hill. :)
Keith going for it...yikes!
Snow in the face. :/
Worst part about going down, was bringing the sled back up.
A little glove assistance.
Kylie came over another day and enjoyed what was left of the snow. They weren't going to let any of it go to waste.