Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Blueberry Pickin'

Today...we went on an adventure! We did some serious...very serious...blueberry pickin'. I can be a very intense person at times...or so Keith tells me. ;) So...when I decided we were going to pick some blueberries this summer, I REALLY planned on it. Mind you, I don't really [ever] use blueberries. I always think about how nice it would be to have them for some oatmeal, or for a smoothie, or to make some muffins...but I just rarely use anything like that. But--in my mind, that was about to change and we needed to pick lots and lots of berries for me to have SO I could be "Ms. Domestic" and use them. 

The weather was awesome as we set out today to get some. And...the kids were excited! We picked and picked....and picked and picked....and, well...you get the idea. ;) Keith kept saying, "Babe, I think we have enough." "Just a few more," was my reply. Thankfully the kids enjoyed it, the weather cooperated, and we all had a good time. 
 My lil' troopers!!
By the end of it, I had gobs!!!! Even the lady weighing them said, "Wow...you must love some blueberries." I was a bit embarrassed. ;) Just wanting to be prepared if the domestic spirit hits me!!
Leaving was just the beginning of the process for me. Whew! I washed and froze and bagged and froze again for 3 solid days. No joke. Blueberries are very delicate little things so you have to be careful with them. I didn't want to just throw them in bags because I read that they can stick together. So I washed them...then had to lay them on the counter to dry...completely!! Then, I put them on cookie sheets to freeze them individually. Finally, I took them out and put them in baggies and put them back in the freezer. My strong attempt toward the domestic life...was fulfilling...exhausting! My entire kitchen looked like a blueberry factory for days! My freezer is full now for all those recipes that I have yet to try...but boy am I prepared for them. :) I told Keith to just physically remove me from the premises if I decide to go that far again!