Sunday, February 27, 2011

the big "3-0" for me

It's inevitable...I have reached another decade in my life. The "thirties" have come to visit and stay. :) I remember when I thought 30 was so old and couldn't imagine ever being there...but I had more than a few people tell me to start being thankful that I can celebrate a birthday...don't want the alternative! So I am...I am thankful and just loving matter what the age.
My birthday festivities actually began Thursday...the night before my birthday. Keith and I took the kiddos and went out to do some grocery shopping...the cupboards were bare I tell ya! So...we were gone for quite a while just trying to get everything we need. I came home to quite a surprise...
 I GOT FORKED!!! There were 1,000 forks in my front yard! (I was told the exact amount later!!) What a crazy sight to see! I actually took this pic the next morning because it was dark when we got home. :)
 I walked into my dining room to see some of THE most ridiculous decorating I have ever seen in my life! Banners, balloons, and streamers hung with no planning in mind...just wherever it landed or the tape would hold it.
 My front door was covered in sticky notes...along with many walls AND the mirror in my bathroom!
 I have no comment for this one.
 There were 100 of these signs posted EVERYWHERE in my house.
 When I say everywhere...
 As sad as this picture is one of the only ones that the "pranksters" got of me!
 This was also hanging in my front window...and let me say...I have never had so many people honking as they drove by. Hilarious! A couple cars even stopped and took pictures of all the forks!
I can't imagine who would have done this to my house...certainly not any good friends or family. I am not naming any names...but I did happen to find this picture on my camera...
Just sayin'... :)

Friday was my actual birthday. Keith gave me a gift certificate Thursday night to go to the spa on Friday! Hallelujah! He actually took off of work to stay with the kids so I could go. Soooo, I spent the day getting a facial, massage, and hair cut. Pure heaven for a girl.

He kept saying that he was taking me to Ruth's Chris that night for dinner...but I am just really hard to convince. I didn't believe him and he knew it! I did not know what was up his sleeve, but I definitely knew we were NOT going to Ruth's Chris. We were supposedly having some kind of church meeting that night that we were going to stop by for just a little bit. That "meeting" turned out to be my surprise party! It turned out to be super nice with lots of friends and family there to celebrate. I am not one to enjoy being the center of attention, but this was low key and fun. I had a great time.
Come to find out, my hubby had been planning this for months. :) He had been stealing numbers off of my phone, hacking into my facebook and many other little sneaky things.
the sneaky little invite
My family is not the extreme picture taker that I am...and unfortunately not one person took a camera. Chels normally does have hers, but she let me down that night!! However...thank God for Jill! She is never without hers! Thank you for sharing these with me, my friend. :)
Kaden with his obvious love for balloons!
 Addison and I getting ready to blow out all 30 of my candles.

I received lots of cards with sweet little notes...just makes you feel special. :)
Also got some gift cards, home decor items,
some pretty flowers... of my very favorite presents that I have probably ever received...seriously...
this sweet necklace from all my friends at the 'Wood.
It has all my kiddos names engraved on there along with their birthstones. I know I thanked you all that night...but I really want you to know how thankful I am for that...very special. Thank you to all of you that came... I was SO happy to see you. You are such a great gang...feel very blessed to have worked with you and to know all of you. You are true friends!

Keith did a super job. I was very blessed to see so many people take the time to get some babysitters and come to my birthday. Great times! At this point...30 isn't so bad! :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

cereal fun?????

I know most babies start eating cereal around the 4 month mark...but my babies have just never been a fan of it this soon. I have always tried...but they don't normally take a liking to it till about 5 1/2 or 6 months for me. I tried to give some to Payton some a few weeks ago thinking she might like it and have some fun with it...wrong! Not interested at all...fussed and cried...until she finally got her bottle. But...I snapped some pics of her first experience with it anyway...just for memory's sake.
 I think she was saying, "yuck!"
"I hate this stuff."

such a tease!

We have had some unseasonably warm temperatures for February. It got me hopeful that spring was close...but it was just a tease. This week we have been back to the bitter days and low temps. (sad) However, the warm days were fun while they {briefly} lasted and we enjoyed them to the fullest around here. Here at the Broady house we....
went riding in the jeep...
 ran through the yard...
 chilled in our Bumbo...
 made funny faces...
 rode in the wagon...
 swang on the swingset...
 dug in the mulch...
 climbed on the playset...
 raked anything and everything...
 screamed and squealed for our siblings...
 posed for some pics...
 mowed some grass...
and best of to open the doors and let some fresh air in!!

So good to be outside after some long hibernation. Can't wait for summer...or at least spring. I am mostly excited for Kaden this summer. He just loves to play outside and wants to go out on a daily basis. He had so much fun the other day. I love looking at the world through their eyes at this age. He wants to explore everything! It just makes me smile. :)

payton ~ 5 months

Payton Joy...
at 5 months you...
  • are amazing your parents daily...are you really already 5 months??!!?? :( Growing so fast.
  • continue to be such a happy, delightful love life it appears and just go with the flow
  • love to chew on anything you can get your hands on....I mean anything
  • are sleeping on your side now. We lay you down on your back and you immediately turn to your side and close your eyes...too cute and funny. :)
  • are doing a lot better on your stomach now. It is still not your favorite position, but you will play and look around for longer periods of time now. let us know when you don't like that anymore.
  • LOVE your johnny jumper! You bounce and bounce forever in that thing. Your sister likes to swing you in it.
  • still love watching and laughing at your brother and sister. They love you soooo much, and want to give you kisses all the time. You love that too.
  • have a new cousin...Cora. You look huge compared to her, but I think you will be pretty good pals here in a few months.
  • still sit in your Bumbo and "help" mommy give baths, cook dinner, do laundry, etc. :)
  • have tried baby cereal a couple times but don't seem to like it very much at this point. Your bottle keeps you content and happy. We will keep trying though!
  • are a great big blessing to our family!! We love you soooooo much!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

happy life day

Today was the 2 year anniversary of a day that shook our family to the core. February 19th could be a day we hate or dread or even cause great anxiety in us...but instead we choose as the Broady family to celebrate. Celebrate life. Celebrate each other. Celebrate our three children that could have been only two. Today we celebrate the grace of the Lord that allowed Keith to live through a night the natural...should have been the end for him.

I woke up this morning with a strong sense of the goodness of the Lord...almost tangible to me. I feel blessed, grateful, thankful, humbled...mostly reminded of how truly fragile life is. How important it is to measure our days and LIVE in the moment of each day. I am almost determined to do that. I refuse to let the years go by and wonder where they went or wish that I would have cherished them more. I am sure I will probably always have some sense of that, but I am also in a place of understanding and appreciating the small things...and not letting life pass me by.

Psalm 39:4 "LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered--how fleeting my life is." (NLT)

Today we rejoiced. Keith worked first shift but came home to a a family that loves him. :) We had spent the morning making a couple signs/banners to really celebrate "Life Day" as we have come to call it. And...we put up some tacky decorations...tacky because tacky makes me smile and that is what I wanted to do
Our front porch looked like this...
 with a sign on the front door that read...

Inside we had tacky streamers.
 And yet another tacky banner.

Today I sat and listened to some of the police radio traffic from that night. I remember listening to it in the hospital as several of us sat around a long table in a room that became almost a home to me for three long weeks. I remember the administration telling me that they wanted me to hear it before it was released to the public. I cried because of the intensity of the moment and all of the memories...but followed it with a smile today because I could. I remember the day after Keith finally came home and both of us sitting together on the couch listening to every tape that was released, every news reporting, every interview, and press conference...and how we just cried. We had really just survived the weeks before that. Just survived...all of the xrays, MRI's, the multiple, painful bandage changes, the numerous times they drew blood from his arm or had to put in a new IV...or finally a picc line, the emptying of tubes he had coming out from his chest, side, and pancreas, the waiting to see if there was infection, the million laps we made around the nurses station so they could see him walk and so he could regain his strength, the week he spent in rehab...
So when we got home, we were finally in an element of comfort. We didn't realize that we needed to cry, but evidently we did because that was one heck of a cry. The weeks prior to that had kind of been a blur, but reality finally wrapped itself around us and we were able to identify what we had just been through and what a complete miracle it was.

I remember the night of the shooting like it happened yesterday...still very vivid to me. I was cooking dinner...stir fry to be exact. (I also remember that I did not want to eat stir fry for a long time after this whole deal. It still brings back memories from that night when I see it. Weird.) Addison, two weeks away from her second birthday, was playing in the family room. When I was finishing up dinner I called Keith to let him know it would be ready soon. He was often able to take his lunch (or dinner) break and come home and eat when he worked. He didn't answer his phone, but that was not uncommon. He was often on a call or into something, but would always call me back. A while passed and he didn't call, but sometimes that just happened.

As I was washing up some dishes, I turned to see lights in the driveway...police lights. Keith would often turn them on when he pulled in the driveway because he knew Addison loved it. She would squeal and go running to the door. I just figured it was him. Instead I heard a knock on the door and as I walked to the front of the house, I just remember seeing lots of lights flashing and multiple police cars. I opened the door to see my brother-in-law Jason, Keith's brother who is also a detective on the department, standing on my front porch. I looked him straight in the eye and I remember him hesitantly saying, "Kristen, it's not good."

I felt my breath and strength leave my body instantly. I think I asked what happened, but I didn't really pay attention to what his reply was. I knew everything inside of me wanted to collapse on the floor, but I also became very aware that that was not an option. I just had to get it together. I also became keenly aware of my baby...being 6 1/2 months pregnant. I touched my stomach, took a deep breath and remember just knowing I had to stay in control. I didn't cry. I just stood there. I heard Jason softly say, "We need to go right now," and then his wife Leslie came around the corner, told me she would get Addison and take her to her house. I know I told her to turn off the burner on the stove...can't believe that thought ran through my head. I grabbed my purse and just walked out the door and got in Jason's police car. My body was so tense and I was shivering...not just from cold...but from shock as well. I kept asking what happened, but Jason didn't know all the facts and didn't/couldn't say much. In my mind, I thought Keith was dead. It was such a horrifying feeling. I remember thinking that I was going to be a single mom and wondering how I was going to deal with that. I also saw myself in the delivery room getting ready to have Kaden...without Keith. I am amazed at how many thousand thoughts can run through your brain in just seconds.

 I was trying to call my mom as we drove wherever we were going. It was busy, but I just kept dialing. By this time, it was all over the news. A lot of people knew that an officer had been shot before I even knew that was what happened. I finally got through to my mom. I remember her saying 'hello' when she answered, but I couldn't get anything to come out of my mouth. Somehow, I muttered that something had happened to Keith and I wanted her to come. Keith's other brother Darin had called my mom and dad and told them to come to the hospital. So...they were walking out the door. But...the best part of my conversation with mom was when she said, "Kris, he is talking. He is alive." I just remember tears streaming down my face at that point and asking, "He is?" She assured me that Darin just told her he was talking. I had no idea what I was walking into, but that was the best news I could have heard.

The ride to the hospital was fast, but seemed like forever. I do remember seeing police cars everywhere, and I remember listening to all of the radio traffic as we drove over, but not really understanding or being able to process it. We pulled up to the emergency room at University Hospital. There were cameras and reporters everywhere. I was whisked inside and taken to a room where several of us sat. I remember Jessica holding my hand. I remember Chelsey getting there. I remember seeing my pastor come in and him praying for me. Then I remember a doctor coming in to explain to us that Keith had been shot in the chest...close range from what they knew...that they were going to be taking him into surgery in the next couple minutes to see what damage was done to his organs, if there was internal bleeding, what the bullet(s) had actually hit. Without coming right out and saying it, he basically told me that I would have a few short minutes to see him and said to tell him that I loved him. He was discreetly letting me know that there was a possibility he would not make it out of surgery. 

As I walked into the area where Keith was, our eyes met, and he immediately said, "Babe, I'm okay." We can smile about this now because he thought he was consoling me, but he had no idea what the doctor had just told me. We had no clue what damage was done internally. I kissed him. I hugged him. I held his hand. And...then he was taken away. I was left to sign paperwork saying that he could receive blood if needed. We were then taken to a waiting room full of people. I sat down and....waited...for hours and hours. I know people were praying for me, people introduced themselves to me, people hugged me. I remember the TV being on and seeing pictures of Keith and Dan flash across the screen. It was surreal. How did they get the pictures...some of them I had not even weird to see your life on a television screen. My favorite time of the 'waiting' was when Addison was brought there. I knew she was with Leslie and I am so grateful she had taken her, but I needed/wanted her as we sat there. She was the closest thing to Keith that I could hold. She wandered around that waiting room completely aloof to the uncertainty of the events. That made me cry.

Over four hours passed and finally a doctor came to say the surgery was over. I was in a daze. I remember him saying he was stable, would be transferred to ICU, and that, at that point, their main concern was infection. It was the wee hours of the morning at that point. I went into see him in ICU but was taken aback by everything. He was still knocked out and had a breathing tube down his throat. There were wires and tubes everywhere. Tears welled up in my eyes and I didn't know if I was supposed to touch him, but I reached out and held his pinky finger. :)

The nurse assured me he would be asleep for several more hours. Keith's dad stayed with him while I (with my amazing sister, Chelsey) quickly went home, took out my contacts, and got a quick shower. I had nothing with me over there and knew that I needed to grab some things. The weird thing was that the gunman was still not found or in custody. It was an eerie feeling. All of the officers were so wonderful to me that night. I actually had one of them come and sit in my kitchen while I took a shower and packed up some things...just a sense of security. And...he drove me and Chelsey back to the hospital as well.

The next couple days were the most painful thing to watch. Keith could not do anything for himself, and everything was totally painful for him. It was simply awful. I slept on an air mattress in another room when I could. So many people brought food, and gift cards and some of the most thoughtful things ever. That was a major blessing in the midst of the craziness. The next few weeks involved celebrating both my and Addison's birthdays in the hospital, celebrations of the smallest things that Keith was able to accomplish...even brushing his teeth, praying against infection that was attacking different areas, and working through many questions and thoughts we had.

Very interesting to relive that day and days that followed. Very thankful that there were days that followed. We found out later that Keith had been shot at a few times, but only hit by one bullet. However, that one bullet did some damage. It hit his liver, intestines, stomach, pancreas and spleen. They actually removed one third of his pancreas and all of his spleen due to the intense damage to them. His heart and lungs were not hit...the doctor still didn't know how it missed them. The days turned into weeks and gradually Keith kept getting better and stronger. The wounds healed but the scars remain to this day...a reminder of the miracle that took place just two years ago. 

We stand rejoicing that he is still with us. I love you Keith Broady!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

valentine's day

I woke up this morning to find a beautiful bouquet of roses and a sweet card from my Valentine. Always so thoughtful.
I got a him a HUGE card that I did not end up taking a picture of...and of course wrote some mushy words about how much I love him. And...I made him a big sign that said 'I love you.' Just a day that we make sure we tell our significant other how much they mean to us. :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

teeny tiny

Sweet, little (teeny, tiny) Cora has made her appearance! Precious. She came early Wednesday, February 9th...12:21am to be exact. :) She weighed 5lbs 13oz and was 19in long.
 This was her getting ready to go home for the first time.
 My brother holding his sweet daughter...feels weird to type that. I can't believe he has a baby! He is sooooo happy...has been looking forward to this for a looooonnnnnngggg time!
 Derek and Court...before Cora was born.

 Proud Papa.
Love incredible to be a part of...what a miracle!