Saturday, February 26, 2011

such a tease!

We have had some unseasonably warm temperatures for February. It got me hopeful that spring was close...but it was just a tease. This week we have been back to the bitter days and low temps. (sad) However, the warm days were fun while they {briefly} lasted and we enjoyed them to the fullest around here. Here at the Broady house we....
went riding in the jeep...
 ran through the yard...
 chilled in our Bumbo...
 made funny faces...
 rode in the wagon...
 swang on the swingset...
 dug in the mulch...
 climbed on the playset...
 raked anything and everything...
 screamed and squealed for our siblings...
 posed for some pics...
 mowed some grass...
and best of to open the doors and let some fresh air in!!

So good to be outside after some long hibernation. Can't wait for summer...or at least spring. I am mostly excited for Kaden this summer. He just loves to play outside and wants to go out on a daily basis. He had so much fun the other day. I love looking at the world through their eyes at this age. He wants to explore everything! It just makes me smile. :)

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