Tuesday, August 27, 2013

first day of school

Today wasn't really our first day of school...but it was our first day at our 'one day a week school with our friends'....our New Life Academy School. I am so grateful for this. So grateful for the wonderful ladies there, the kiddos, the accountability it gives me, and just the time away from home for a bit. Most of our days are spent at home, and while we LOVE that, we are grateful for some 'fresh air' so to speak. I love that my kids get to be taught and hear the same stuff from someone else that they hear from me all the other days of the week...just reinforces it I think. And gives them a different voice to listen to. 

This year I'm teaching Latin I and am the assistant in the Rhetoric course...responsible for grading, creating tests, study guides, etc. Probably pretty time consuming on top of all the other subjects to keep up with and teach my kids, but I'm right where I need to be and I feel it. God always has a way of doing that. Who would have known that those years of Latin I took back in the day would benefit me now? God orders your steps and knows where to put you. I feel that this year for sure. 

As we were packing up this morning, I had to snap a few pics of my cuties. They were SO EXCITED! They had been looking forward to it for days and probably weeks. :) We were up and at 'em at the crack of dawn!!