Thursday, April 22, 2010

nice weather

With the weather being nice and having suffered from cabin fever way too long, today was a day to get outside. We played with sidewalk you can see. Addison got to ride on some of her many riding toys. Kaden enjoyed the view from the stroller...tried to eat the chalk...bad idea. :(
After riding on the toys and such...she decided it was time for dress up! We have a whole drawer in her dresser designated for dress up clothes. She loves it...and the shoes of course...check them out! :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

thunder fun

We spent the day on the river at Thunder Over Louisville...which ends up being 'Thunder Over Indiana" for us Hoosiers. But...the weather was actually great today. Then, when the sun went down it was freezing! The kids did exceptionally well for such a long day. Kudos to Kaden especially. This was a hard day for an almost 11 month old. :) Luckily, Keith is able to get us right on the second street bridge so it is then easy and quick to get out of there and get home right after the show. If it was not for that, I am not so sure I would have braved it today. Many other officer's families come and hang/camp out for the day. Mom, Dad and the whole gang came again this year...and Derek and Courtney and Chels and Eric. It is always a lot of fun just chillin and eating and walking around. I didn't actually take pics of the fireworks cause I had my hands quite full. However, my friend Tara was walking around and snapping some so I hope to post some soon. Right now the kids are in bed and I am off to the same place. Keith will be home soon. :) Bless his heart--he worked from 8:00am until midnight tonight. Then he has to be back at work at 7:00am tomorrow morning...long hours!

Friday, April 16, 2010

first post

So...the blogging begins! I swore I would never do this...until I realized how quickly my little munchkins are growing up and how much I know I don't want to forget. I get easily overwhelmed with the thought of scrap booking or writing down everything they say or do so I can lock it into my this is my alternative. I hope to write quick "snapshots" of our lives as a family so we can look back and see the goodness of the Lord in our lives and remember these precious memories that go by so quickly. Drumroll please! (I am going to go back and post date some posts from this year that I don't want to forget.)