There was a fund raiser for upcoming Camp Legacy at a local skating rink on Saturday. I wasn't sure if I should even attempt to go, but I knew there would be a lot of my good peeps there and thought it might be fun...oh, how wrong I was! Taking a three year old who has never skated before, a one year old that is a very curious little boy, and being pregnant on top of it all...use your imagination! :) Luckily my family was there to help, but the trip was very short lived! Keith was working with some guys building a loft in our garage that day, so he didn't go with may have gone better with him there...I don't know though! Here are a couple pictures I got. This is all Addison could do...poor thing. There will be other times. :)
Kaden 'thought' he could skate! He kept running out trying to chase all his aunts and uncles.