Monday, May 31, 2010

Party Time

Mix and Mingle...people had to gather wherever there was room!
LOVE this is so hard to get him to look at the camera...this was a lucky shot!
Presents, presents, presents...he was personally not a big fan of opening everything, but Addison sure was. She is in basically all of the pictures..."helping" of course!

The Cake

The "cake" ended up being about 5 million cupcakes! I actually made them...quite a big accomplishment...and then stuck little ducks in the middle of the orange icing. :)
He was totally not a fan of the cupcake. He poked at it a little...Daddy helped him out by plopping it right on his head. This was a short lived event...before he started crying! Oh well!


Fruit Scewers that Chelsey and I did...easy but time consuming.
Always fun making food for an army...just having my fam over is enough for an army! Keith made sandwich after sandwich...good job, Babe!

Kaden turns 1!

I know that everyone always says this...but, has it really already been a year?!?! My sweet boy is growing up! I guess that is good though, with a little sister on the way.;) Keith and I keep saying that he has to grow up fast to make room for more! you will see by the pics...major duck theme going on. I had a hard time deciding on what to do for Kaden. He is not in to any TV shows, characters, or much of anything yet. BUT...when it came to his toy rubber duckies, he loved them. He would scream if Addison even tried to take one away from him. :) So funny. We had a few of them that he played with in the bathtub and really just any time. I honestly think his first liking to them was when he was doing some of his teething. He could chew on them and it felt good to him. Whatever works!

We were blessed with a good day for his party...a few sprinkles, but lots of friends and family to celebrate with us. I love parties! And Addison definitely takes after her mama. She has been asking for weeks, "Is today the day of Kaden's party?" as she has seen me little by little get things together. One day she even asked if it was time for the "customers" to come! So cute!

Got that idea one night just laying in bed...ya know how they have the duck crossing signs???? The feet led up to the door. :)

The little marshmallows in the containers you see are "bubbles"!! Got that idea from a friend at school. I had planned on using blue M&M's for "water," but this was a little cheaper.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

jeep time

After the not-so-successful skating experience, I brought the kids back home and let them play outside. This was much more enjoyable for them. We bought Addison a jeep for her birthday this year. I couldn't wait to get it for her because I knew how much I loved these cars as a kid. Keith and I were going to get it for her for Christmas, but decided against it because she wouldn't be able to use it much with the cold weather. Sooo, we waited until March and gave it to her on her birthday. At first we wondered if we made a big mistake. Bless her heart...she was the worst driver ever! She ran into everything and had a really hard time figuring out how to switch between going forwards and reversing. With careful coaching from Daddy...over and over and over...she eventually got the hang of it and is quite the little driver now! And...the best part is, Kaden loves it too! We strap him in next to her and away they go! He just sits there and absolutely loves it. They are so cute. Keith and I just laugh at the sight of them driving around the yard.

skating...or whatever!

There was a fund raiser for upcoming Camp Legacy at a local skating rink on Saturday. I wasn't sure if I should even attempt to go, but I knew there would be a lot of my good peeps there and thought it might be fun...oh, how wrong I was! Taking a three year old who has never skated before, a one year old that is a very curious little boy, and being pregnant on top of it all...use your imagination! :) Luckily my family was there to help, but the trip was very short lived! Keith was working with some guys building a loft in our garage that day, so he didn't go with may have gone better with him there...I don't know though! Here are a couple pictures I got. This is all Addison could do...poor thing. There will be other times. :)
Kaden 'thought' he could skate! He kept running out trying to chase all his aunts and uncles.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

backyard fun

It's always so fun to get the summer things out of the garage and shed. I love welcoming spring and summer with the baby pool, water table, and the other million backyard bats, balls, frisbies, sand toys, etc. Here are the kiddos enjoying the outdoors. :)