Wednesday, November 23, 2011

fall lovin'

We do love fall around here, but I must say that I am glad the 'falling' of the leaves is over! The humongous tree in our front yard has got to go. All of the leaves it rains onto our yard, house, cars and deck are annoying after the thousandth time you clean them off. We were out blowing the yard and picking them up one afternoon and made the most of it with the munchkins. Who doesn't enjoy a fun leaf pile to jump in?!? Payton was hilarious!
 Pure excitement!
 Chewing on her shoe.
 Striking a pose.
 She's in there somewhere!
Love those eyes.

science lab

I took the kid's to Lowe's this past weekend for their 'Build It' clinic. Yes...I took them all by myself. :) Since Keith works nights and sleeps during the day, I have do even the 'man stuff!' I always fear that people will think I am this poor, single mom...probably over thinking it, but it just makes me laugh. Danielle kept Pay-Pay for me, and off I went with Addison and Kaden.
The project this week was a science lab...complete with many nails and boards to put together. It really wasn't that bad...but with two anxious kids both wanting help at the same time, I had to be creative in getting them put together. We were just nailing and nailing until we got all the sides put together. Then they added all the pieces and with some nifty experiments to do at home. They were so proud of their finished products. :)
 This little man loved this 'fun size' hammer. :)
 Beating away!
 Putting it together.
Finished product!
They had a lot of fun and I know there will be many more of these 'single mom' trips ahead of me. :)

catrisa is having a....???

Last Sunday we met up with Keith's wonderful cousin, Catrisa, from Baltimore. She came in for the weekend to share some exciting news. We found out a couple months ago that she was pregnant and this weekend we found out that a new little BOY will be joining the 'Broady Bunch.' Yay!! I just LOVE her and am soooo happy for her. She got married last October and, a little over a year later, they will be welcoming a sweet little baby into their lives.
We met up with the fam at Tumbleweed on the River for lunch. After eating and sitting for so long...the kids were d.o.n.e.! Kaden was especially unhappy, refused to eat, and kept complaining about his belly. There was a 'fabulous' little park area outside so I took the kiddos out to play while everyone finished up. 
We left from there and came home to enjoy a lazy Sunday afternoon. The kids napped. I cleaned, did laundry, and some work that I brought home to do as well. All of Kaden's complaints from earlier in the day made a lot of sense when later that evening he threw up all over himself, me, the chair, carpet, and his blanket. :( Not so fun. Poor guy was sooo sick and had a VERY high fever for about 48 hours...scary high. I had to work hard to keep it down.
Despite poor little K-dog, it was a fun day finding out some GREAT NEWS! Can't wait for his little arrival. :)