Saturday, September 7, 2013

biomes biomes biomes!!!!!

This past week we studied BIOMES!! We focused on 7 different ones...although depending on where you get your could take some or add some. I'm amazed at what kids can learn when you actually take the time to invest in them and teach them. I have been saying this since Addison was probably 2. I don't ever 'dumb it down.' I keep the bar high...and make them rise to it. Or...I try to most of the time. I use easier vocabulary to initially teach it, but always throw the big words in too!! :) And they get it...they really do.

We focused on:
  • Grasslands
  • Deserts
  • Scrublands
  • Tundra
  • Deciduous Forests
  • Coniferous Forests
  • and...Tropical Rain Forests
And....even little Pay Pay can say them. We read books upon books about them. We have watched videos and looked at a bazillion pictures. Then it was time to use that knowledge....we all built dioramas of them. I let them pick which one they wanted. And then we went on a nature hunt/hike. Addison wanted to do both coniferous forests and deciduous forests so I let her. I thought it would solidify their differences anyway. Kaden picked the arctic Tundra. And...Payton picked Grasslands. Kaden didn't get much on our hike for his, considering our lack of things from the arctic...hahahaha! But he helped his sisters. :)

When we came back from our hunt/hike, we had a mess...seriously. So much dirt, mulch, grass, leaves, twigs, rocks, etc. Because it was so messy, I knew we were in the learning zone! The kids loved it, and with some assistance with the background of the diorams, we were on our way! We created for hours and ended up with some pretty cool examples of our biomes we were studying. I got some pics of their creations!
 They were so proud. :) Payton Kaden
 Coniferous Forest....
And Deciduous Forest...both by Miss Addison. 

These will be displayed in our school room until they dry out I guess. :)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

first day of school

Today wasn't really our first day of school...but it was our first day at our 'one day a week school with our friends'....our New Life Academy School. I am so grateful for this. So grateful for the wonderful ladies there, the kiddos, the accountability it gives me, and just the time away from home for a bit. Most of our days are spent at home, and while we LOVE that, we are grateful for some 'fresh air' so to speak. I love that my kids get to be taught and hear the same stuff from someone else that they hear from me all the other days of the week...just reinforces it I think. And gives them a different voice to listen to. 

This year I'm teaching Latin I and am the assistant in the Rhetoric course...responsible for grading, creating tests, study guides, etc. Probably pretty time consuming on top of all the other subjects to keep up with and teach my kids, but I'm right where I need to be and I feel it. God always has a way of doing that. Who would have known that those years of Latin I took back in the day would benefit me now? God orders your steps and knows where to put you. I feel that this year for sure. 

As we were packing up this morning, I had to snap a few pics of my cuties. They were SO EXCITED! They had been looking forward to it for days and probably weeks. :) We were up and at 'em at the crack of dawn!!


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Blueberry Pickin'

Today...we went on an adventure! We did some serious...very serious...blueberry pickin'. I can be a very intense person at times...or so Keith tells me. ;) So...when I decided we were going to pick some blueberries this summer, I REALLY planned on it. Mind you, I don't really [ever] use blueberries. I always think about how nice it would be to have them for some oatmeal, or for a smoothie, or to make some muffins...but I just rarely use anything like that. But--in my mind, that was about to change and we needed to pick lots and lots of berries for me to have SO I could be "Ms. Domestic" and use them. 

The weather was awesome as we set out today to get some. And...the kids were excited! We picked and picked....and picked and picked....and, get the idea. ;) Keith kept saying, "Babe, I think we have enough." "Just a few more," was my reply. Thankfully the kids enjoyed it, the weather cooperated, and we all had a good time. 
 My lil' troopers!!
By the end of it, I had gobs!!!! Even the lady weighing them said, " must love some blueberries." I was a bit embarrassed. ;) Just wanting to be prepared if the domestic spirit hits me!!
Leaving was just the beginning of the process for me. Whew! I washed and froze and bagged and froze again for 3 solid days. No joke. Blueberries are very delicate little things so you have to be careful with them. I didn't want to just throw them in bags because I read that they can stick together. So I washed them...then had to lay them on the counter to dry...completely!! Then, I put them on cookie sheets to freeze them individually. Finally, I took them out and put them in baggies and put them back in the freezer. My strong attempt toward the domestic life...was fulfilling...exhausting! My entire kitchen looked like a blueberry factory for days! My freezer is full now for all those recipes that I have yet to try...but boy am I prepared for them. :) I told Keith to just physically remove me from the premises if I decide to go that far again!

Monday, May 20, 2013

father's day photo op

Got the kids together earlier in the week and snapped a shot of them that is just too cute! This was one of the Father's Day surprises for Keith...a sweet tribute to the awesome dad he is. We sure do love him!
I also put together a gift basket full of items that he loves...trinkets and snacks. But...epic fail on the pic of it. I never took one. Oh well! We are just so thankful for all he does for us.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

addison's 6th birthday

My little Addison is not so little it seems. This year, she turned 6! Time does totally fly. Our house was totally not party worthy this year...way, way too many things undone and just a plain disaster. And...the idea of having it somewhere appealed to me this year. :) 

She has turned into little miss crafty this year, so I decided to roll with it and looked into some pottery painting for her and some friends. Then...after the little 'friend' party I thought it would be good to have some friends and family get together for her as well. I called Pizza King and got their party room area as a place to congregate and celebrate our sweet girl. As always, a 'small' family get together doesn't exist with us and we were seriously busting at the seams of the area we were in. It won't work ever again for us, but we tried to roll with it and make the best of it that day.

She is totally into some hello kitty garb, and while I am typically not fond of character type parties, we rolled with that as well. She loved it and a couple weeks before, we got her a shirt to sport the theme of her party. :) I loved seeing her excitement leading up to the day and knowing that this was totally FOR HER! 

I got there a bit early to set up and get some things ready and decorated.
My Birthday Girl!!!
 Getting directions and picking some paint colors.
 And...on to the painting!
Each of the girls were able to put their thumbprint on a plate and Addison put her handprint in the middle. She was able to keep this as a memory. :)
 Then, on to the cake and presents!

After the pottery painting, then we moved on to Pizza King to meet up with the family. We were packed in there like sardines! But we survived. :)