Monday, October 25, 2010

rockin my world

Addison has a book...Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse...and I am reminded of it today. At various times throughout the book when different characters are overwhelmed by something or are at a loss for words, it reads, "'Wow. That was just about all he/she could say. Wow.'" I feel like one of the characters. 'Wow' is just about all I can say. This post is simply for me!! :) I am writing this so I can look back and remember some of these days...crazy, chaotic, overwhelming, exhausting...yet....humorous, exciting, fun, and a blessing to have my three little munchkins. They are my daily reminder that I can do nothing on my own and that I daily need the strength of my Lord. His joy is my strength...I sometimes just burst forth in song to alleviate a tense moment..."The joy of the Lo-o-rd is my strength...The joy of the Lo-o-rd is my strength." I think the kids have gotten accustomed to that song now...Addison even sings it herself. :)
I crack up as I think about what some of these days have looked like. Pure 'survival mode.' There is only one of me and I can only do so much...sleep deprivation does not help either. Saturday night I may have gotten 3 hours...maybe...and that was broken up into several increments. I love it when people say to sleep when your baby sleeps...and I do remember doing that with Addison. But...not now with a 17 month old and a 3 yr. old!! :)
The joy of the Lord is my strength!
Just as a hilarious reminder to me and Keith, I documented what my morning looked like today...whew!

  • Wake up to Payton crying for some early morning breakfast
  • Begin feeding her and hear Kaden on monitor singing to himself…know that he is awake
  • After Payton has eaten, carry her downstairs and lay her on the couch
  • Rescue Kaden from his crib and put him in his highchair for some breakfast
  • Cut up some banana for him
  • Payton is now screaming…needs a diaper change
  • Go to her room and pick out some clothes…change her diaper and get her dressed for the day
  • Addison awakes and joins me in the family room while I dress Payton…greet her with a kiss and hug. :)
  • Kaden’s banana is now gone and he wants more of something
  • Lay Payton in the swing and turn on her music, etc.
  • Make Kaden some cereal
  • Attempt to put some dishes away and straighten up kitchen a little bit
  • Pour Addison some cereal
  • Kaden is done and wants down…wipe him off, get him down, and clean off the tray
  • Straightening up house a bit…gathering some laundry, putting some toys away
  • Addison asks for some milk to drink…asked her to go get me her cup and I would get her some
  • Smell something…realize Kaden needs a diaper change and I need to get him dressed
  • Major poop blowout for Kaden…requires a bath for sure.
  • Run bath water, put him in the bath, and wash him
  • Addison is still asking for milk…tell her I will in just a minute
  • Payton is screaming again from her swing
  • Quickly lotion up Kaden…dress him and comb his hair
  • Run to Payton and pick her up…feel something wet
  • Major poop blowout for Payton…requires a bath for sure
  • Run more bath water and bathe her as well
  • Addison is still asking for some milk…bless her heart
  • Grab some more clothes for Payton and try to quickly lotion and dress her
  • Kaden needs a drink now too
  • Mom calls…laughing and telling her about my morning
  • Wrap Payton in her blanket and lay her in her bed
  • Finally get Addison her milk and Kaden a drink as well
  • Put some laundry away of the kids
  • Addison wants to play dress-up…tie a bow on the back of her dress
  • Finish cleaning up the kitchen…put bowls in sink, wipe off counters, realize I never ate anything myself...oh well!
  • Addison and Kaden are now playing in family room
  • Start cleaning off a bookshelf in living room…been driving me crazy
  • Create piles all over the floor of things to throw away, take downstairs, give away, etc.
  • Payton is crying…ready to eat again!
  • Warm bottle…actually sit down to feed her…feels good
  • Kaden wants me to hold him as well…he is quite fussy today
  • Addison tries to distract him
  • Burp Payton and hold her a little bit…so sweet! 
  • Put her in her swing…God Bless the swing!!!!
  • Play ball with Kaden
  • Turn on a video for Addison about the book There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
  • Back to the bookshelf and it’s mess
  • Payton crying again….easy fix though….quick pacifier retrieval
  • Addison and Kaden are having a disagreement…Kaden is trying to take her toy
  • Find him a new toy…try to explain to him not to take his sister’s things
  • Start a load of laundry
  • Kaden is totally ready for his morning nap…another diaper change and down he goes
  • Payton is sleeping in swing…think about moving her to her bed…decide to leave her where she is so I don't risk her waking up!!
  • Silence for a bit!
  • But…lunch will soon be here…what will we have today??
And to think...this was just my morning!
But...The Joy of the Lord is my Strength.
In my life, Lord, be glorified.


I LOVE watching the progression of a child's abilities and seeing them learn and grow. Recently, I have been finding these cute little drawings of Addison's just laying around or in notebooks she has found. They are too cute! We have been talking about drawing people and different things to put on people...eyebrows, eyelashes, ears, etc. You forget that kids have to be taught this stuff! :) So...these are some of her first interpretations. I totally love that the arms are coming straight out of the head...reminds me of my kindergarteners. We always had to show them step by step how to draw people. I know I need to explain some of this to Addison, but right now this is age appropriate, and I totally love it. It makes me smile. :)


Keith's grandpa has a huge garden every summer and is kind enough to share some of what it produces with us. :) We have gotten several items...squash, green beans, eggplant, tomatoes, etc. Last week he sent Keith home with some butternut squash...yum! I know you can keep it and use it throughout the winter, but I was trying to think of a creative way to use it now. Addison was watching 'Curious George' the other day and they had an excerpt from the show in which some kids got to make some muffins and they were putting squash in them. She immediately asked, "Mom, can we make some 'nuthins'"? And yes she said 'nuthins.' I have corrected her on the pronunciation of that word, but it is not working. :) So, that's what we did...made some squash 'nuthins.' They were pretty yummy...even Kaden enjoyed them...or at least a few bites. This speaks a lot for the pickiest eater of all time!

time with nana

Keith's mom...aka "Nana" has taken Addison for some overnight adventures here recently...letting her spend the night and some time with her. Addison loves going with her...especially being able to cook with her and then share her creations with us. She helped her make a meatloaf the other night and brought it back home for mommy and daddy to eat...gotta love that! :) Here she is waiting for her Nana to come pick her up. Can you tell that Kaden is excited?!?!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

pics of payton

I am completely in love with little Payton...she is truly an unexpected (surprise!) joy in our lives...hence her middle name. I truly believe she is God's gift to us that we did not even know we were missing. I have had so much fun with her...and feel so grateful that we have her. We have a sweet little family. This was always my desire growing be a wife and a mom...and now I find myself in the middle of my dream. I just have to remind myself of this when the days get crazy, because...realistically...they are a little crazy. That is what three little ones will do! :) But...the joys far out weigh the trials. And...Payton Joy Broady...we love you so very much! You are such a sweet, beautiful baby, and you did so good for the million pictures your mama took of you today. :)


Sunday, October 3, 2010

our sweet girl

~  Payton Joy Broady  ~
Born: Sunday, September 26, 2010
Time: 9:53 pm
7 lbs 11 oz
21 inches long
Everyone is well...more to come as I find the time!! :)