Monday, January 20, 2014


My kids have been sooooo into me telling them stories recently. I am always making up some stories about kids showing good character, acting with integrity, choosing to do the right thing, and even some stories of my own life when I was a kid and some hard things I remember going through or ways that the Lord answered prayers and came through for me. They LOVE it. And it reminds me of some of the following passages:

Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. Joel 1:3

We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. Psalm 78:4

...that you may tell your children and grandchildren how I dealt harshly with the Egyptians and how I performed my signs among them, and that you may know that I am the LORD." Exodus 10:2

We are called to pass on the wisdom and things we have learned and walked through...and I love that they love it. :) They particularly love when I tell them stories about THEMSELVES! It's so precious to see their little eyes light up, their faces burst into a huge grin as I let them see a glimpse into the world before they were born or even when they were really little...even though they ARE still very little to me. :)

Had a moment with Kaden last week that was just beyond precious. I can't forget these as a mama...
Keith and I have told him (and the girls) over and over about how excited we were when we found out we were pregnant with each of them and how grateful to the Lord we were that He entrusted us with another them. We always tell them we are so blessed to be their mama and daddy. 

This has led me into telling Kaden how excited we were when we found out we were having a boy. We already had Addison, and while we truly would have been thrilled with either one, we were ecstatic at the thought of having a boy!! I tell him how Keith shouted, "Yes!" when we were having the ultrasound that revealed he was indeed a little man. :) And I have continued to tell him about how things were really scary for me when I was pregnant with him...when Keith got shot, and how he was in the hospital, etc. His favorite is when I tell him about the day I had to go see a specialist about my platelet levels while Keith was still in the hospital...still a very critical, concerning situation for him. 

While I was at the specialist, they were going to be doing another ultrasound to check on the baby and the size as well as take some labs and look more in depth into my blood issues. When they did the ultrasound I asked the tech to just confirm that we were still having a baby boy...and she did. :) After my appointment, I went straight the hospital where Keith was. When I walked into his room, he was sleeping and still had multiple tubes all over the place. BUT...he looked up in his groggy state and mumbled, "Please tell me it's still a boy." I remember smiling really big and saying, "It is!!" Kaden loves that part of the story. Wouldn't it bless anyone to know how excited you were to have them, and meet them, and love them!?!

As we were retelling this story for the millionth time the other day, Kaden look at Keith and said, "You were excited to have a little boy so you could have a pal! Cuz we are pals and buddies." Does it get any sweeter? Keith affirmed him and said that was exactly right. That has to be a secure thing for a kid...and that is how I want them to feel. Very loved. Very wanted.

So...I am reminded to keep the stories going. Keep the communication going. Even the stories about how we were bad little boys and girls at times and how we got into trouble. They can definitely identify with those! And I like just being real. 

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