Wednesday, April 13, 2011

little fella

Keith was going outside the other day to cut the grass and Addison went running after him. The kids love to sit on his lap as he mows, and the first grass cutting of the year was no exception. The other two kids were I went downstairs to tackle "laundry mountain." Oh my goodness...there is soooo much to wash. I was sorting the clothes when Addison came running in the front door excitedly yelling, "Mama, Mama, come outside!" She has recently been excited about the flowers that are popping up everywhere, but this was more than that. She screamed, "Me and Daddy found a 'little fella' and he is just so CUTE!" I wish I could have recorded her saying that because that was just so darn cute. :)
I ran out the front door not really sure what the 'little fella' was going to be...turned out to be pretty cute though!
 An itsy, bitsy baby squirrell.
 He sure was cute to look at, but we really think his nest fell out of the tree. :( Poor thing!
 He walked around for awhile and then started very slowly climbing up the big tree.
 Addison looked at this picture and informed me that he was camouflaging himself here "just like the chameleon book, Mama." Good 'text to world' connection...ha ha!
Here were the two mowers...Keith had one head phone in his he was putting the other in Addison's so that they could both listen to some tunes as they rode around. Too much for me. :)


  1. Love this Kris! Thanks for posting it!

  2. "Little fella". Love Addison's "little" name there. ☺ I don't think I've ever seen a squirrel that small. You got some great pics of it!
