Monday, August 30, 2010

summer photoshoot

I have been NEEDING and WANTING to get some pictures of the kids...although with fall coming I know I will want to do it again because of all the great colors! This was at least a start though! And...with the next "photoshoot" we can include their new little sister. :)
 So many favorites...didn't know when to stop! :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

a day at the park

When I turned on the TV the other night and saw that the high was only going to be 82 degrees for Thursday, I knew we were going to the park. I mustered up the energy, packed a lunch and away we went for a couple hours. The weather was gorgeous, and as everyone has been saying, whispers that fall is on the way! I can't wait is such a beautiful time of year. And it means that Thanksgiving and Christmas are not far two favorite holidays. The kids had a blast...also took some pics I hope to develop and put around the house too...will share those after some editing! These are some that we took just playing and hangin out.
If you look real close, you can kind of see the burn on the side of his head. :(
His favorite part...just swinging!
Sweet girl
No fear at all.

Very thankful for a great day and great kids...very refreshing to be outside!

Friday, August 27, 2010

cleaning house

Addison has been wanting to help me recently with anything she can...she helps me unload the dishwasher, cook dinner, dust the house, sweep the floor, fold laundry. It's so cute...then while she is doing it, she asks, "Mom, are you so proud?" Melts my heart. So, it was no surprise the other day when I got out the vacuum that she asked if she could help with that as well. Kaden wants to do anything his sister does these I had to go fetch his vacuum as well. Cracks me up! These are seriously the joys of motherhood.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

wedding festivities

Finally got some of the wedding pics downloaded...didn't get to edit them as much as I wanted, but at least the memories are documented! :) I didn't get to take many pictures because I was in the wedding party...and burning up the entire day! August heat is not good for a pregnant lady! The last thing I wanted to do was walk around and take pictures if we got a break...felt bad about that, but I was exhausted. :) So...hopefully her photographer was able to capture all of the important moments. Here are a few...
Addison was sooo excited about having her hair done, wearing lipstick, her new shoes, wearing her dress and don't forget the necklace! Seriously, I can't imagine how excited she will be about her own wedding one day. I just loved watching her. And...she was not a bit nervous about walking down the isle and throwing her flowers. She was ready to go! Chelsey had the greatest idea for when the flower girls got to the altar...she had put candy in the bottom of their baskets! Brilliant! Addison stood for the whole ceremony just chomping away on her 'mike and ikes'...her favorite.
Momma and the Bride
Entertaining each other at the reception
Eric & Chels seeing each other for the first time that day.
Dad and Mom looking great...three kids married off...only eight more to go!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

poor kaden

Another strange happening for us occurred on Sunday. We decided to get together with my family and head to the lake after church to picnic, grill out, go boating, and just relax after the wedding busyness. Kaden was walking around and somehow fell over by the grill that we had not even started yet, and started screaming! It is not unusual for him to trip or stumble, but I could tell he did something else. Evidently, some people that were there before us had dropped some hot pieces of charcoal on the ground and he happened to land on one of them right on the side of his head. His ear and right above it were burned pretty bad. My mom grabbed him, and then Keith took him and immediately started praying over him. He did pretty well after that, not even seeming to notice it. I honestly think it was deep enough to where he could not feel it...yikes! There were multiple other crazy things that happened Sunday as well...a piece flying off our boat on the way to the lake, Keith cutting his foot, then dropping and breaking his brand new phone. Freaky things. We treated Kaden at home and continue to put medicine on it and keep it clean. :) Poor baby.

crazy times

Things have been crazy busy around the Broady homestead these days...yet everything seems to move in slow motion as well. This is mostly because of me! :) I have about 4 weeks left of my pregnancy and the end could not come any sooner. I am ready...well, ready to not be pregnant...not necessarily prepared for her yet. I still have clothes to wash, and items to gather. I am just much more laid back with #3 coming...maybe too laid back. I have a very hard time just getting around. I feel like my mind has so much it wants to accomplish in a day, but my body will not let it follow through. I cannot be on my feet for very long at all before I have to sit...multiple reasons and issues!! So...that has limited my ability to do a lot with the kids...such as zoo trips, shopping, etc., etc. All I know is, "this too shall pass," even though it is frustrating to me.

Chelsey is now married! Whew! What a ride! So much to do and decorate and prepare for...but it was beautiful! I wish I would have had more energy for all of the events. I will post some pics of things later for sure! The Friday before her wedding was the wonderful Bachelorette Party that my sister Danielle and I were putting together. The day of the party we were blowing up balloons...a pretty normal thing for a party I would think when one of them exploded in my face. I think I have probably had this happen before, but I immediately knew this time that something was wrong. My face was burning and I could not open my eye. I tried to rinse it with some cold water, put ice on it. I did not know what happened, but I knew I had done some damage for sure. It swelled up right away, was huge and red, and would not stop watering. Chels and Dan wanted to take me to the emergency room, but I thought if I gave it a little bit, it may get better. The more I waited, the worse it got, so we called Keith who was working...bless his heart. He drove to get me and then drove me...lights and sirens to the eye doctor. By this time it was burning and I did not even know if I could see out of it. Crazy!

To make a very long story short, somehow I tore off the entire outer layer of my eye. The doctor numbed it for me just so that I could at least open it and see for a little bit...although it was very sore. I still don't know what completely happened. All he or I could think of was that somehow the balloon came up and hit my eye like a rubber band effect. Who knows! He would not give me any numbing drops because I was pregnant and told me to go home and go to bed. That was not possible because of the party...that I was in charge of! When I told him I had plans for that night, his response was, "No, you had plans." I should have listened. It was the most miserable time of my life, but I wanted to be there for Chels...felt so bad. I could not drive, could not read anything, could not see, function....awful!

The next few days were bad as well. Thank the Lord for my sisters who took my kids on Saturday for me. There was no way I could have watched them...could not even open my eyes. Thus, TV, no reading, no computer, no anything. Ugh! Praise the Lord...all is better now...still a little tender, but that will soon heal I am sure!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

what a handful!

I have been sneaking a few pics here and there of my little man recently, trying to capture what a day in the life of Kaden is like! 'Busy' hardly describes it! He is into everything! I have to laugh at how many messes I have to clean up, how many times I say 'no' in a day, or how many times I have to deter his attention to something else. I think the pictures will give a small indication!
Getting into Addison's crayons
He can't even see in the drawer...but there just might be something in there he wants!! Actually, he does know that is where I keep his bibs...guess he wanted a different one. :)
Standing on the dish washer!
Playing with the tupperware.
Getting dishes and silverware out of the dishwasher.
This is one of my favorites...peeking in the cabinet for...what could it be...
I don't understand this one, but he has this infatuation with Pine-Sol these days. Just loves to carry the bottle around. I failed to get a picture of him with the steak sauce, but that is another huge interest of his right now. Every time I open the refrigerator he grabs the steak sauce and runs...and is quite fast too! I have to chase him down to retrieve it.
Just to clarify...we do watch our son! :) He is just the most curious, inquisitive little thing right now and it is a full time job just to keep up with him.
These pictures make me smile and I know they will in years to come as well.