Tuesday, August 3, 2010

what a handful!

I have been sneaking a few pics here and there of my little man recently, trying to capture what a day in the life of Kaden is like! 'Busy' hardly describes it! He is into everything! I have to laugh at how many messes I have to clean up, how many times I say 'no' in a day, or how many times I have to deter his attention to something else. I think the pictures will give a small indication!
Getting into Addison's crayons
He can't even see in the drawer...but there just might be something in there he wants!! Actually, he does know that is where I keep his bibs...guess he wanted a different one. :)
Standing on the dish washer!
Playing with the tupperware.
Getting dishes and silverware out of the dishwasher.
This is one of my favorites...peeking in the cabinet for...what could it be...
I don't understand this one, but he has this infatuation with Pine-Sol these days. Just loves to carry the bottle around. I failed to get a picture of him with the steak sauce, but that is another huge interest of his right now. Every time I open the refrigerator he grabs the steak sauce and runs...and is quite fast too! I have to chase him down to retrieve it.
Just to clarify...we do watch our son! :) He is just the most curious, inquisitive little thing right now and it is a full time job just to keep up with him.
These pictures make me smile and I know they will in years to come as well.

1 comment:

  1. He is a doll. I had to smile, too, because Kade is right there with him. INTO EVERYTHING!!! :)
