Tuesday, November 2, 2010

payton ~ 1 month

Payton has already been a month old for over a week now and I have had these pictures just sitting on my camera because I have not had the time to download them. But...here they are...pictures of our sweet baby girl at one month old.
Some milestones:
  • You are very patient while your mommy takes your pictures. :)
  • You are by far the best baby that we have had...you have your moments, but you will also sit and just look around for long periods of time...very low maintenance and, for this, we thank you. :)
  • You LOVE your swing and the music it plays...you spend a lot of time in there and love watching the little animals that hang down from it.
  • You also love fans! We have to block the fan from your view when we are feeding you or you will just stare at it and not eat...makes us laugh.
  • You already smile at mommy when she talks to you and you try to "talk" back to her
  • You like to be all snuggled up in your blanket and held...and we like it too.
  • You love your pacifier. You are actually the first baby that we have given one to. You were not interested in your thumb like your brother and sister.
  • You ride well in the car which is great for us...another thing different from your siblings at your age.
  • You are quite congested with a little cold right now. :( Mommy is letting you sleep in the swing or the car seat right now to keep you elevated so you can breathe...or hold you upright. (This does not do too well for your mommy's sleeping, but she wants what is best for you!!)
  • You are a true "JOY" in our lives...and we are so grateful that God has given us a surprise as special as you sweet girl.

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