Saturday, March 26, 2011

payton ~ 6 months

My baby is getting so big...all grown up it seems. She is the big '6 months' now!
At this 'Half Year Mark' you...
  • are finally eating some food and not just a bottle. You still prefer your bottle, but we are feeding you with food keep you full and help you grow. :)
  • Are sitting up all by yourself! We have to sit you that way...but you will stay sitting up for a VERY long time just play with your toys.
  • Love making love to hear yourself babble!
  • Soooo enjoy being outside! With some of the nice weather we have had, you have spent a lot more time outside and love it. Your favorite part is sitting on the front porch watching the cars go by. Your little head go back and forth watching them. :)
  • Continue to smile ALL the time...and so precious that smile is. People stop mommy and daddy in the stores and talk about you being the "happiest baby" they have "ever seen." It's true! You are happy the majority of the time and will smile at anyone.
  • Are scooting backwards! Almost crawling! You will get up on your knees and rock, but then you just laugh and fall down on your belly. The scooting thing is pretty impressive though. We will put you on the floor with some toys and within minutes you have scooted across the room...and cry because you want your toys!!!
  • Are pulling hair! You want to grab everything and put it in your mouth...including people's hair if you can get your hands on it. Mommy has to put hers back a lot so you don't pull it out.
  • have retired from the Bumbo...kind of sad. :( We can only put you in it if we are right next to you will just flip out of it. You lean over the side as hard as you can and over it goes! I can't put it on the counters anymore while I'm cooking...and that kept you so entertained before.
  • are growing up little girl...too fast. :)
Happy Half Birthday, Payton Joy!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

zoo trip!

The first Zoo trip of 2011 happened on Friday! The weather was A-MAZING! Keith and I had talked about going over there because he was off the night before(so he didn't need to sleep), and we heard the weather was going to be great. Then Jill said she was going too. So we met up and enjoyed the day together. 
This guy was totally checking out my camera! Kind of freaky.
Daddy Time for Kaden
Daddy time for Adders
We were attempting to look at the flamingos here...Kaden liked walking on the edge more though. Such a sweet little face! He loved being able to walk/run around.
Sweet! I love when they do this...random acts of love. :)
Kaden liked being able to walk instead of ride all the time. :)
Got a quick shot of this...since the train is not running there these days...the geese have evidently taken over the tracks.
Checkin' out the tiger just walking around.
Kade and Kaden...trying to get two little boys to look at the camera = impossible! But still cute as buttons!
A little old fashioned type-writer. I totally remember playing on these at my grandparents houses, but I don't think Addison even knew what it was. We had a quick "before there were computers" lesson! I am old!
Little Pay-Pay calmly chillin in her seat. She loves being outside!
This little guy made me laugh!
Enjoying some playground fun.
Kade preparing to slide.
I love his eyes here! :)
Sweet Kade.
Addison enjoying an orange for lunch.
Payton quite enjoyed one herself...and has enjoyed a few more since.
Ignoring the elephant in the background. :) Actually, I had to lift him up so he could see.
Lazy Lions
Had to get a pic of the daffodils...they were everywhere and so gorgeous. I just love flowers!
Tickle time with Daddy.
It was a great day and very fun to get out and enjoy the weather. This will be just one of many zoo trips this summer.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

singin' in the rain...

singin' in the RAIN!

I decided to be the 'cool' mom the other day and let the kids go out and play in the rain. :) Normally I would think about all the work it would mean for me...getting them dressed to go outside...only to then have them come inside, be drenched, and then need changed yet again. But...the pitter patter of the rain was beckoning us to come out and enjoy it. And we did.

And...Addison got to use her new umbrella she got for her birthday!
 Here she was just standing there sucking her thumb. :) I think she liked the sound of the rain dropping on the umbrella...even got a little loud at times.
 Addison tried to keep him under the shelter of the way for him. He liked to have hit fall on his face and head. Funny to watch him. He kept looking at me like, "Mom, are you sure this is okay??!!"
 All giggles and smiles.
 Up and down the steps she went.

Lovin' life
I'm sure this will only be one of many rainy days that we will choose to enjoy inside and outside this spring.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

you just never know...

...what you're gonna find.
I have three little kids that have a mind of their own sometimes. They use their "creativity" to amaze me daily. :) I literally never know what I am going to find as I go throughout the day from one room to the next. I try to keep up, but their little fingers and toes are just too fast for me some days.
Wasn't quite sure what all of this was about, but I guess Adders wanted to make sure her game and pony were not going anywhere...strapped in and secure. :)
Guess who....little Kaden doesn't like to get just one tissue out for his nose. takes about 10!
If you come to my house, I'm are just going to see this. My kids have a serious obsession with graham crackers. We have to buy multiple boxes at the grocery. Addison and Kaden both put them in little bowls and carry them around for "convenient eating." However, Kaden's ALWAYS end up on the floor somewhere...just like this--half eaten.
Disgusting...and, yes...Kaden again. What is so intriguing about this???
This is hilarious to me! I walked in the bathroom the other day to put some towels away that I had just folded. I turned on the light and BAM! There it was. An animal and human parade. They were all perfectly lined up and ready to go. I busted out laughing! This one was definitely Addison.
The whole family was in their seats and ready to go!
Moral of the story...take it all in stride. Laugh, don't fuss. Smile, don't frown. A few years down the road I will miss all the toys and things all over the floor.

sisterly love

Addison and Payton already have quite the connection it seems...and I love that. I remember being so excited finding out that Payton was going to be a girl because I just could not picture Addison without a sister. I adore my sisters and cannot imagine not having them to talk to, joke with, etc.
If Addison hears even the slightest sound of Payton waking up from her nap she excitedly asks, "Mama, can I go talk to Payton?" :) Addison loves to hold her and give her toys and talk to her. And...Payton cracks up...literally giggles when Addison is playing with her. So...I'm pretty thankful for this little bond that is developing between them. The other day I had to capture some of their interaction.
Addison just singin and talkin to her little sis.
Payton is squealing and screaming in excitement!
LOVE her face here. :) She is all smiles.
Kaden tried to join in on the fun. Payton looked at him like, "What do you think YOU'RE doing?!?!"
So...poor little guy. Had to get a few shots of him. :)
Interesting face.