Saturday, March 12, 2011

addison's 4th birthday

I'm honestly a little emotional with the realization that my baby is already four years old! I am so entirely proud of the little girl she is and completley honored to be her mama. So blessed that God chose to give her to me.
To celebrate her birthday this year, I did not have to think too hard about what kind of a theme we would have or how to decorate. She is 100% princess (LOVES to dress up) and loves tea parties. So...that is exactly what we called it. A 'Princes Tea Party.'
We chose to have it at the church right down the road from us so that we would have enough room. I would have loved to have it at the house, but I knew we couldn't all fit. It was a great idea...we had plenty of room for everyone and space for the kids to run around as well.

We went all out PINK! And all out PRINCESS!

Tiara and {high heel} shoe shaped  rice krispie treats...with a little embellishment of course. :)

Goody bags for all her friends

~Friends and Family~
I LOVE birthday parties. I love the celebration and I love spending time with great people as well.  Addison had a ton of people come and celebrate with her. 
Her great-great grandparents...loved that they came. :) Quite special to me.
Uncle E & Aunt C
Aunts and more friends.
Lots of laughter too!
Addison's wonderful Aunt Sue...actually Keith's aunt...but Addison claims her as her own. She totally loves her...may have to do a little with the spoiling that Sue does to her!! :) Adders wants to spend time with her ALL the time...or call her or write her a letter. We love you Aunt Sue!
Sweet girls...Brit--they look a lot alike here I think.

And...then there were GAMES! I was pretty excited that Addison was old enough for games (well...four year old games) this year.This was the first time I did some organized things with the kids...proved to be a hit for them. I love seeing kids happy!
Big 'ole egg on a spoon game. They were all winners! All got candy. :)
Pin the tiara on the princess!
And the fun piƱata!
Scrounging for candy once it was finally busted open.
They were going crazy!

~The Tea Party~
I wanted Addison to have what she has been wanting to do for a long time. She is always asking for friends to come over and have a tea party. So...we set up a very LONG table for all the kiddos to fit at. We then served them tea {aka: pink lemonade} as well as cupcakes, rice krispie treats, M&M's...lots of sugar!
The Birthday Princess
I LOVE this pic of little precious and waiting so patiently for her 'tea.'
Lighting of the candles
Diggin in!
Even the boys enjoyed the 'pink' cupcakes. :)

Addison soooo rushed through this. She was on a mission to get them all opened and all opened fast. The next day I was showing her some of what she got...and she had no idea. Too much to take in at one time. But she has now played with everything she received and loved every minute of it.

Addison...I hope you enjoyed your special day. Your mommy & daddy love you very much. No matter how old you are, you will always be our little princess. 
Happy 4th Birthday to you, sweet girl!


  1. Kristen, this looks like it was awesome! I love all your little details!!! Wish we could have been there. Happy Birthday, Addison!!! :)

  2. The details were perfect! Kaidyn had a blast at the party. They do look a lot alike and the funny part - Kaidyn is following right in her footsteps! Happy Birthday, Princess Addison!!!

  3. I can't believe how jealous I am of a 4 year old's birthday party! hahahahaha Just kiddin' Looks like a great time! What a sweet Momma you are to do that!
