Sunday, March 20, 2011

singin' in the rain...

singin' in the RAIN!

I decided to be the 'cool' mom the other day and let the kids go out and play in the rain. :) Normally I would think about all the work it would mean for me...getting them dressed to go outside...only to then have them come inside, be drenched, and then need changed yet again. But...the pitter patter of the rain was beckoning us to come out and enjoy it. And we did.

And...Addison got to use her new umbrella she got for her birthday!
 Here she was just standing there sucking her thumb. :) I think she liked the sound of the rain dropping on the umbrella...even got a little loud at times.
 Addison tried to keep him under the shelter of the way for him. He liked to have hit fall on his face and head. Funny to watch him. He kept looking at me like, "Mom, are you sure this is okay??!!"
 All giggles and smiles.
 Up and down the steps she went.

Lovin' life
I'm sure this will only be one of many rainy days that we will choose to enjoy inside and outside this spring.


  1. These are some of my fav pics yet Kris! We have to be fun mommies. We don't want them to look back and remember all the times we said NO! We want them to remember all the times we said YES so the NOs don't seem like a big deal at all :D I think you are a great momma...and a pretty spectacular friend as well!

  2. I just love these pic, too! {And the kiddoes in them being absolutely adorable doesn't hurt either!} ;)
