Friday, July 2, 2010

holiday world

We normally try to go to Holiday World each summer...but I was wondering if we were going to this year. I wondered how Kaden would do....and I am huge, ha!...and the weather has been just soooo hot! But we decided pretty spur of the moment to go one night, and we went the next morning. The weather was GREAT! Low 80's and little humidity...good for a pregnant lady. I love it there. It is so family oriented and you can always find something to do no matter what age the kids are. Addison loved it and Kaden did very proud of my little man!
She has no fear of the rides...she wanted to get on everything she saw.
He was pretty content to sit in the stroller while Addison rode some rides...please note the blanket though! He is totally attached! :)
Kaden slept for an hour or more in the stroller when we went into the water park. When he woke up, we quickly got him dressed so he could enjoy it. I think he loved the fact that he could walk in the water and that the area was so big.
I guess Keith was always on the other side of the camera because I don't have any pics of him...kinda sad!

1 comment:

  1. Look at you with the blog, girl! You're such a great photographer! Looks like fun at Holiday World. ;)
