Monday, July 26, 2010

school during summer

Addison wakes up nearly every morning asking to do her school. She loves every minute of it. I am really trying to set aside time each day, but wanted to take advantage of summer as well. She obviously has no concept of summer I want to take advantage of that as well! This morning we pulled out the books and other things and dove in. I have been trying to do it everyday, or at least something everyday to challenge her. I love that she is so hungry to learn. We learned the letter Ee today as well as things that make the /e/ sound. She was fascinated with her little cute. Notice the trunk...her little finger. :)
We went over numbers, read books, etc., etc. Then I just drew some lines on construction paper and gave her the scissors...been trying to give her lots of practice with scissors. She LOVES to cut paper! I think she did pretty well for a three year old...impressive sweet girl!
So, I guess we got a head start here at the Broady house...which is good because we will surely miss some days when this little baby comes. :)


  1. Just curious, do you think you will home school your little ones?

  2. Ya know...all I say is a day at a time! I plan on it right now...we'll see if that still holds in the future. :) I was homeschooled from 5th grade through 12th so we will see!

  3. Good for you! We are still trying to figure out what we are going to do. Yes, Adeline is only 2, but it will be here before we know it!
