Sunday, September 26, 2010

surprise shower

Our church always does a baby shower/celebration for EVERY baby that is born in our church. It is pretty special I think. It doesn't matter if it is your first or your fifth, they want to celebrate that little life...and there are always things that you need no matter how many you have. :) They normally do that after the baby is born so I know that is still coming. But I was surprised to come home one night last week to find a huge group of people standing on my front porch and sidewalk yelling SURPRISE!

Leave it up to my mom to make a person feel special. She got the thought and ran with it...inviting people at the last minute to come. It was very sweet to be surrounded by some of my dear friends and family!
 My brother, Derek, spent some time entertaining Kaden outside! Derek is actually going to be a daddy in about 5 months and he and his wife are so ready. I know he has been looking forward to that season of his life for a while now. Can't wait to find out what they are having!

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