Tuesday, January 18, 2011

life & multi-tasking

These days I find myself...busy. I am amazed at how quickly my laundry can pile up, how often my floors need vacuumed or mopped, dishes need put away, furniture needs dusted,..........and then there is Addison's school, figuring out what we are having for dinner, going to work, running errands, changing diapers, trying to complete some house projects that have been on my "to-do" list for a couple years now...the list only goes on and on. The kiddos need my time and attention as well...so I often feel pulled in many different directions these days! :) But I totally love being a mommy...really love it. I grew up always wanting this and here I am.
 I am far from perfect, but I do my best to love them, teach and train them, instill Godly character into them and be everything I can to them right now. It gets pretty comical around here, but you must just smile and go on. Some {silly} but great things I am grateful for right now are...

1. The keyboard and guitar we got the kids for Christmas...they LOVE THEM! They put on a concert together on a daily basis, and occupy themselves and even little Payton with their tunes!
2. The Bumbo! Let's just take a moment of silence and thank the Lord for that thing! Payton is the only baby that I have ever tried with this. It is wonderful! I carry it (and her) all over the house. She doesn't necessarily want to be held, but she doesn't like to be left alone either. She just sits in it and looks around at all the action going on around her. Keith says she has "separation anxiety!" Ha! Soooo, we just carry that wonderful, little seat all over the house. Whatever works! A few snapshots...
 on the counter while I was cooking dinner
in the bathroom while I gave Addison and Kaden a bath. :)

3. That Kaden can get his own diaper. He has been doing this for a long time now, but I just love saying, "Go get me a diaper!" He takes off running to his room and runs right back {all smiles} with a diaper in hand! Praise Him! Call it laziness! I choose to call it "one less trip I have to make." :)

4. Educational TV. Just keeping it real! I really love some of those shows on KET in the morning. Sid the Science Kid just happens to be one of my favs...as well as The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That, and Word World. Doesn't make me feel bad for letting Adders or Kaden watch for a bit...it really has some great teaching. This is not an every day occurance, but some mornings I just need to get a few things done before I can assist them. :)

5. Laundry Baskets. I have found that they are multi-purpose. My washer and dryer are in the basement...not a great thing for me. I take Payton with me when I go down there to change a load over so Kaden does not harm her (smile), but did not know how to get her and the basket back up at the same time...until now.
 Just lay her on top of the clothes and carry them both! She doesn't mind!

Oh, the joys!


  1. Heee heeee! Those are very cute! I love your ingenuity Kristen! I promise I pray for you a lot. For whatever reason, God has you stationed right here on my heart, and I pray daily for you to be able to enjoy these days in the midst of the busyness. Love you pal!

  2. You are definitely super momma in my book! I love hearing about all of the daily things that your life with your 3 gorgeous kiddos entails! Thinking about you and missing you at work!

    P.S... Addy spends a lot of time watching eduactional T.V., and spent her fair share of time in a laundry basket and I only have 1! lol

  3. You crack me up! And I second Cara, you are a super momma! I ♥ Bumbos, too! They are awesome!

  4. I LOVE this post! Every bullet point you had, I wanted to add an AMEN to the end. Your family is so blessed to have you as a wife, mom, daughter and sister. Have a great week!
    Just a note...Adeline loved her Bumbo seat also and I would use it quite often as I was getting ready, fixing dinner, etc. I learned my lesson the hard way though, Adeline actually fell out of hers one time when we were in the bathroom. Not fun, but from then on I definitely kept an extra eye on her while she was in it!
