Thursday, January 20, 2011


I'm a proud Mama of my little Addison! This is just the beginning stages of reading but it is still reading. Addison is just taking off with it. I didn't want to push her, but she has just taken to it really easily. She has known all of her letters and sounds for quite a long time now so I just thought I would start introducing words and blending to worked.
My friend Amy told me about the "BOB books" so I bought them and that is what we are using right now. 'Mat,' 'Sam,' and 'Dot' are part of the family now. :)
 There are a lot of books in each set...we are just working our way through in VERY small time increments. I want to keep it fun and not frustrate her.
 Here she is working hard to sound out those letters...(still in her pajamas at noon!!) :)
You go sweet girl!


  1. That is so wonderful. I had another friend use the Bob books and loved them. They must be good. And I love that she's still in her pjs. That's what snow days are for! :)

  2. Yay!!! That is wonderful Kristen! I haven't seen Bob books in years. I used them with the first little girl I nannied for! She is 16 now! whaaaaaaaaaaaaa! So excited for you. Now, don't sweat it if lil Buddy wants to keep on playing with cooking utensils and tells you where you can stick those books at the same age! ha!
