Growing up, Derek and I always shared our birthday parties together. There were always boy and girl colored balloons, cakes that we decorated on one side for me and the other for him, etc. With our birthdays about a week apart, it just made sense. And we still do it that way. :) Mom was going to do two different things for us this year to give us our own day, but I think we are just about over the 'thinking we need our own days.' :) We shared yet again...and it's okay, cuz I kind of like him. ;)
On my actual birthday (Friday), I came downstairs with eyes half open, crazy hair, etc. to the cries of Pay-Pay waking up. I found...
this on the counter. Still a favorite cereal of mine. And...if you know me, you know I LOVE cereal.
A couple hours later, Chels and Susie stopped by (completely I still looked quite lovely) with this. I have always wanted an Edible Arrangement and never had one. Chels is always so thoughtful. :) Must say that the chocolate covered strawberries were the first to go!
On Sunday after church, the whole fam came over and we celebrated. Ashley made some cakes. Evidently mine was supposed to have a blog or a camera or both, but she had some issues, ran out of time, and just gave me...circles. :) Still super cute.
Derek is our awesome guitar player and singer...this fit him appropriately. :)
Just disregard the fact that the "T" is missing! Payton decided to crawl up to the table, grab it off and eat it! Ash tried to fix it later, but it just wasn't the same. :)
Adders with Aunt Dani
Allie on the computer.
Mom decorated the table with 'oldies but goodies' pictures of us...some from way back.
This was me...obviously way, way back. I think the girls made these and put them on paper years ago, so mom just set out the page.
With all the hair I have now, it is hard to believe, but I was a very bald baby. Mom said I was two before I even got 'peach fuzz' and was often mistaken for a boy...even with a dress on. :)
This is one of my absolute fav pics of me and my daddy. I still have the shirt that I am wearing in the picture. I loved sitting in this little recessed area in our house and Dad would often join me there. I remember setting up pillows and blankets in there, putting blankets over the front of it, taking toys in there...and just making it my own little space.
A pic of me and Keith on our very first date.
More sister pics.
It was some great weather, so Grandpa pushed Kaden around on the swings for a bit.

Mom made an awesome dinner for everyone, and then it was time for some dessert.
Clapping and blowing of candles. :)
She said, "Happy Birthday, Mama. You are the best Mama in the whole world." Seriously tells me that all the time. I have the best kids!
Ash cutting her masterpieces.
It was a good day...another year older, and hopefully, another year wiser. :)
On my actual birthday (Friday), I came downstairs with eyes half open, crazy hair, etc. to the cries of Pay-Pay waking up. I found...
this on the counter. Still a favorite cereal of mine. And...if you know me, you know I LOVE cereal.
A couple hours later, Chels and Susie stopped by (completely I still looked quite lovely) with this. I have always wanted an Edible Arrangement and never had one. Chels is always so thoughtful. :) Must say that the chocolate covered strawberries were the first to go!
On Sunday after church, the whole fam came over and we celebrated. Ashley made some cakes. Evidently mine was supposed to have a blog or a camera or both, but she had some issues, ran out of time, and just gave me...circles. :) Still super cute.
Derek is our awesome guitar player and singer...this fit him appropriately. :)
Just disregard the fact that the "T" is missing! Payton decided to crawl up to the table, grab it off and eat it! Ash tried to fix it later, but it just wasn't the same. :)
Adders with Aunt Dani
Allie on the computer.
Mom decorated the table with 'oldies but goodies' pictures of us...some from way back.
This was me...obviously way, way back. I think the girls made these and put them on paper years ago, so mom just set out the page.
With all the hair I have now, it is hard to believe, but I was a very bald baby. Mom said I was two before I even got 'peach fuzz' and was often mistaken for a boy...even with a dress on. :)
This is one of my absolute fav pics of me and my daddy. I still have the shirt that I am wearing in the picture. I loved sitting in this little recessed area in our house and Dad would often join me there. I remember setting up pillows and blankets in there, putting blankets over the front of it, taking toys in there...and just making it my own little space.
A pic of me and Keith on our very first date.
More sister pics.
It was some great weather, so Grandpa pushed Kaden around on the swings for a bit.
Mom made an awesome dinner for everyone, and then it was time for some dessert.
Clapping and blowing of candles. :)
She said, "Happy Birthday, Mama. You are the best Mama in the whole world." Seriously tells me that all the time. I have the best kids!
Ash cutting her masterpieces.
It was a good day...another year older, and hopefully, another year wiser. :)