Thursday, February 16, 2012

finger painting

I don't like mess. Really. I don't even allow glitter in the house...finally confessing it. It just gets everywhere, sticks to things and seems like you NEVER get rid of it. :/ I feel bad for the munchkins sometimes, but they get to do some glitter projects at church or with friends...just not with me. :) However, for Christmas I did go out on a limb and bought some finger paint. It was a stretch for me. Keith even noticed as he commented, "Are you seriously buying that?" But I did, and Adders has been asking me pretty much daily if she could use it. I finally agreed...with the understanding that the other two must be down for naps during this 'treat.' 
She loved it! And was pretty good at it too. 
She painted several pictures for me...most of which were some sort of a flower. She is so into flowers right now...and just so happens to be the theme of her birthday coming up very soon. :)
I was so proud of her, and happy that I was able to let her do this! I think that today we might even venture again into the world of finger painting...just to let her have some fun...during nap time of course.

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