Monday, December 20, 2010

candy cane thief

This is the first year I have ever put candy canes on our tree...that is probably weird. I have just always done a more decorative tree that candy canes did not go with. This year I put on colored lights...also a first...and let Addison and Kaden help put the candy canes on.
I really think I am going to have to do two trees next year (one for me and one for the kids)...which will be another first for me,...simply because I miss my other tree.  How pathetic does that sound?!? Pretty funny to be writing about this. I am just having a hard time getting used to it., just as Kaden was so helpful in putting the candy canes ON the tree, he has been not-so-helpful in taking them OFF of the tree.

The other day I caught him in action!

 I was calling his name here, but he acted like he didn't hear me.
 He finally looked up with that guilty look on his face! :)
 It totally makes me laugh...which is probably not good.
 Guess he took my laughing to mean that he could tear into it...something he has become quite good at these days.
Or...biting it open.

Our sugar intake has been a little high these days!


  1. Yay! I finally got to your blog! I love seeing your babies. Looks like you all have been having loads of least fun for the kids right? LOL I'm with ya on the two trees. The boys do one and I have a pretty! I love it tho! Hugs!

  2. I love it! What a doll. I've never done the candy canes either, but Kade would be the same way. Little thief as well. I'm with you on the two trees, too. And I haven't done a "kid-only" tree just yet. We'll get there I'm sure. : )
