Saturday, December 11, 2010

deck the halls

I normally put all of our Christmas decorations up the weekend after Thanksgiving...that is when my mom always did it and I just followed in her footsteps. BUT...this year we left for vacation that weekend and it threw me all off. :) I was late on everything, and it is just hard to find a large amount of time to devote to it. However, the other night we all came together, decorated our tree, put up some modest decorations, and drank white hot chocolate that Addison and Mommy made...yum!
The added bonus to it all were the snowflakes falling as were pretty outside.
Kaden 'watched' as Addison 'cooked.'
 Adding the chocolate chips
 So festive! :)
 Addison decorating her own little tree in her room...she was very precise on her ornament placement. :)
 The finished product
This was a pic from the next morning. While we were decorating, this was happening outside.

1 comment:

  1. You will definitely have to share your hot white chocolate recipe. Matt does not like chocolate, so this sounds like the perfect solution for a nice warm Christmas drink!
