Saturday, December 18, 2010

christmas crafting

I was determined to do some crafts with Addison during this season...even if this is not my strong point in life! :) She (and most kids) love to create and make their works of art. Soooo, I persevered and had her do a couple simple things that I knew would make her smile. :)
We have had a lot of fun doing this together.
The first thing on our list of crafts we made was... 

A Wreath
This took her a pretty long time, but she endured to the end and was very happy with the end result. :)
 The next accomplishment was an adorable snowman!

I had bought a pack of foam Christmas stickers the other day...knowing she would love that. All kids love them some stickers! I think she got a little sticker happy!

One thing I was determined to work with her on this year was all of the parts of Christmas story...where Jesus was born, who his mommy & daddy were (even if she already knew that), what the angel said when he (and all the heavenly hosts) appeared to the shepherds, what gifts the wisemen brought with them, etc. You should hear her try to pronounce "frankincense." :) The other day I was explaining the bright star that was over where Jesus was born so the wisemen knew where to go. To further illustrate...we made a big, bright star!
 and put it over our stable/manger/or what Addison calls...
"the stinky barn."
 I realize the star may look a little tacky...but it proves a point and teaches a message. :) And...Addison had been playing with all the people yet again, and informed me at that moment that they were "taking a nap 'cause they were tired."   {Sweetness!}

We also made a Chrismas tree...
...and Adders was drawing on some ornaments. 
 Too cute.

Another idea I found was this adorable...

This was another part of the Christmas story (so I was happy to find it) and was super simple to make. (Yay for me.)

It was just made out of hearts and popsicle sticks basically.

I found a great wreath to make next year, as well as a cute snowman idea...they were a bit too complicated for her right now. She was soooo proud of herself after each thing she made and ran to get them and show her Daddy each day when he got home.

Kaden has little desire for crafts yet...but he colored some great pictures (ha!) and scribbled with a pencil as he sat in his high chair. I tried to give him some of the stickers, but they ended up on the floor. :) He was simply excited about the crayons and pencils he got to play with.


  1. All of those are adorable! I think you are one crafty momma! Addison looks so happy doing them.

  2. I'm so proud of you for doing all those crafts with Addison! You still have it in ya! LOL :) Love all the cute things she made!
